Below is a code written in python to send get requests to the google elevation api and then store
the results into an sqlite database.
Make appropriate changes to the code as mentioned in the comments before executing the code.
the results into an sqlite database.
Make appropriate changes to the code as mentioned in the comments before executing the code.
Go here to get your own api key
import requests
import sqlite3 import json key = '<paste your google api key here>' #google api key #sqlite connection conn = sqlite3.connect('<path to your sqlite database>') id = 1 #api end point base_url = '' number_of_coordinates = 4610 while (id < number_of_coordinates): instanceOfRow = conn.execute("SELECT * from forlake WHERE Number=?",(id,)) row = instanceOfRow.fetchall() latitude = row[0][2] longitude = row[0][3] url = base_url + 'locations=' + str(latitude) + ',' + str(longitude) + '&key=' + key #constructing api endpoint api_response = requests.get(url) data = api_response.json() conn.execute("UPDATE forlake SET elevation = ? WHERE Number = ?",(data["results"][0]['elevation'],id,)) if id%100 == 0: conn.commit() #commit changes in the database after every 100 records print id id = id + 1 conn.commit() print 'done' |